
Nelson building art

Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
I love New Zealand (Aotearoa). Am feeling very patriotic and proud of my little wee country. It's such a beautiful spot!


Rusty Nail

Rusty Nail
Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
We've bought a lovely caravan and so I will be experimenting with my photography even more on our travels around Nelson Marlborough. Current inspirations are looking at things really, really closely, self portraits with a difference and capturing things from a slightly different perspective. With the long hot summer stretching ahead and family coming to stay, can't wait to collect some more interesting shots to add to my growing collections!

Please visit me at Jewels By Renee on Flickr or RenJewels on Etsy. Look forward to 'seeing' you soon.


Crusty rustiness.

I just love macro photography. Things take on a whole other dimension that you wouldn't necessarily consider from further away. And now I am combing that love of macro with a love of all things rusty. Here's some new shots.


Purple lupin from my garden

Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
I just love spring and summer when all my beautiful flowers start to bloom. This one is my favourite colour. Mother nature is so clever!


Strawberry babes

Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
Can't wait for the delicious wild strawberries that should be here any time if the birds and the dog don't eat them before I get to them!

Spring time in my garden

Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
I love this time of year. The flowers are blooming and the wind's not too horrible...yet! There's lovely smells to be smelt, like the honey suckle and jasmine in my garden and the peonie roses in my vase. Loving it!
Now that school's calming down a bit must divert more of my energies into creating jewels!


My new focus

A while back I was suffering from mild depression as I was having health problems and I was getting bogged down with negativity. Then one of my dearest, oldest friends came to visit me and recommended starting a journal in which you forced yourself to think about one good thing every day. (It had worked for her, she said). I thought, "I love you and I respect your views and would benefit from your experiences so I'll give a whirl. And it worked!!! So now I'm going to try it here with my blog to try to counteract the negativity we are surrounded with in our lives and in the media (bad stories sell more papers it seems).

Please feel free to add your own good things to my blog but try to keep them to one a day so we don't run out! Looking forward to hearing them. Much love, Renee.

Day one's good thing =  My Christmas Lily bulbs are poking ever so slightly up from the ground. I just adore growing my own flowers and I was worried with all the rain we had had that the bulbs might have rotted away in the ground. They haven't!!! OH JOY!


Coin rings

Coin rings
Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
Nelson is such a mecca for creativity, I love it there! Had a lovely wee break there last week. A splendid way to start the school holidays.


Engraved flower brooch

My first Etsy commissioned jewelley piece based on Adrienne's Christmas present brooch! So exciting!!!


200 lovers

200 lovers
Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
If only my 200 lovers translated to 200 sales then all would be swell! Please come by to http://www.etsy.com/shop/RenJewels


Pohutukawa leaf jewelry

Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
I bought the pohutukawa leaf card ages ago and have also collected leaves like this when I travel to the North Island. I've been wanting to make some and today when I was sick with a cold I did. In between feeling pretty sorry for myself too! They've turned out really well although a couple have my hair in them. Adds to the charm? Will post some more pics when I make them into some piece of jewelry.



Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
My latest creation. Can't wait until the day when I can be a jeweller instead of a teacher. Or maybe just a part time teacher and a part time jeweller so I get some variety! Open to ideas.


Little Rock Ring

Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
My latest piece of 'art you wear'. You can see the rest of the pics of this piece at the following address or if you are interested in a commission piece please visit me at RenJewels on Etsy.com. Look forward to seeing you soon! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jewelsbyrenee/


A bad day!

Why is it that some people can look you in the eye and just lie. Do they think that they'll never get found out, that if they say it with enough conviction then they'll get away with it?! And why lie about dumb stuff that doesn't really matter anyway. What's the point? And the worst liars are the people who think they're better than you, maybe that's how they justify it to themselves.

Luckily it's Friday and I have American Idol, jewellery making and felting to keep me happy.


Making it happen

In the spirit of maknig it happen I have bought a new pair of Birkenstocks (which I was going to do anyway) but they have Paris-y pictures on them. So every time I wear them I think of the trip to Paris in three years.


Rings for Mum and Dad

My husband and I recently celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary which was a milestone considering we have been together (mostly) for 27 years. There was a wee break in the middle where I sold my wedding ring, not believing that we would get back togther, but then we did. I've been wearing his ring because it doesn't fit him anymore so I thought I'd make us some new matching ones to mark the occasion. We've decided that for our 20th we're going to be in Paris. Three years to save up....can't wait!


What is it?

What is it plant
Originally uploaded by Jewels By Renee
It's been a while since my last post but it has been frantic at school, what more can I say?! Anyway I have had this lovely indoor plant for some years now and I still don't know what it's called. (I stupidly threw away the care instructions early on it the piece) but its flowers are structural and very striking so I've macro-ed them and put them in my Inspiration folder in my Flickr pics. Check them out... http://www.flickr.com/photos/jewelsbyrenee/sets/72157623265025598/


Etsy treasury.

Very exciting, one of my Valentine's felted brooches made it on to an Etsy Treasury. Quick have a look! www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id108931


Miss you already Mum!

My Mum stayed with me for three weeks in the holidays and today she went home and I felt really sad so I went to my workroom and made some earrings. Love the little glass leaf beads and the way copper goes when I bash it. Until April Mum, see you then. P.S. all my earrings will be on Etsy any day now, although I do go back to school tomorrow so please forgive me for any delays.


My first run since the hop-eration!

Well I did it! My first run since my knee hop-eration. Must have been about four months I guess since the last one and it was more of a plod than a run but a start none the less. My knee actually felt okay but I had a really bad kind of stitch pain in my lower back on the left side. My spine must be out of whack from having a bad knee for such a long time. But I ran (plodded) through the pain and managed 45 minutes. Not bad!!! I've also made some more felted heart brooches which I'm rather pleased with. So not a bad week all in all. You can see them here: www.facebook.com/renee.clothier or www.etsy.com/shop/RenJewels.