I was listening to the radio the other day and they were interviewing a musician and he was talking about the 1981 Springbok Tour and he said "from crisis comes growth". And it started me thinking, what a cool little country I come from and how proud I am to call my self a Kiwi. Isn't it amazing how much difference a small nation can make when it puts its mind to it. Just proves chaos theory really and the ripples don't always have a negative effect!
It is one of my lasting memories as a child, watching the footage on the tellie and thinking how could my mother and uncle be at the game at Eden Park and my Dad and his girlfriend be protesting outside the gates of that same game. But then that is an illustration of just how divided the country was over such an important issue. It seemed that fence sitting just wasn't an option.
As a nation we have repeatedly proven ourselves to be so resourceful and resilient and again and again we manage to make a stand when it really counts. For a young, small and (until quite recently historically speaking) conservative nation our track record is impressive. And we're nuclear free and have thus far avoided fighting in "the war against terror". Who wouldn't be proud to be from little old New Zealand? I sure am!!!
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